Ognjen Vukotić

Hey there, my name is Ognjen. I'm a software engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science. I love making music, and playing video games.
You can contact me via ognjendev.3@gmail.com.

Tech Stack

JavaScript; TypeScript; React; React Native; Redux; Redux Toolkit; Vue; Vuex; Tailwind; git; Figma; Ant Design; MaterialUi; PrimeReact; Sanity; Nextjs



Frontend Developer

Sep 2021 - Present - Hybrid


Frontend Developer

Feb 2021 - Sep 2021 - Hybrid


Frontend Developer

Jun 2021 - Present - Remote

In my free time, I work on recommended projects to learn and improve in technologies I'm passionate about. I carefully schedule these endeavors to avoid any interference with my full-time job while still nurturing my love for learning and delivering valuable solutions.


These are some of the projects that I worked on in my free time as a freelancer. All of the projects I do are done a 100% by me (CI/CD, UI/UX, Code)

Fitness Website

A React app that utilizes several libraries to promote a fitness center, also featuring an admin panel implemented with sanity.io.

Cleaning Website

An older project of mine, made using react.